Wisdom Way
Solar Village
An affordable, accessible senior living community nestled in the heart of Sunderland, Massachusetts, Sanderson Place was a collaborative effort with Rural Development Inc and Valley Community Development Corporation.
Greenfield, MA
Completed 2008
Services Provided:
Coordinated site selection and design
Coordinated a community design process with multiple design charrettes and meetings
Building design and documentation
Building code research and building and zoning permitting.
Energy design and detailing to ensure efficient low energy use structures
Cost estimating, budgeting
Assistance in bidding and contractor negotiations
Construction observation including inspections, submittal review, process sketches, payments and change order review and final certifications.
Affordable energy-efficient community living
Wisdom Way Solar Village is part of a continuing collaboration between Austin Design Cooperative Inc and Rural Development Inc to design and build affordable energy-efficient homes, many of which are near zero net energy.
This community is located in Greenfield, Massachusetts and is comprised of 20 units (ten duplexes), including two fully accessible units. Careful air-sealing and super-insulated walls have eliminated the need for a central heating system in these homes. The homes include photovoltaic panels and solar thermal hot water systems, features that are both sustainable and affordable over the long term.